Harnessing Orthomolecular Supplements for a Vibrant Fall Season

Harnessing Orthomolecular Supplements for a Vibrant Fall Season

Orthomolecular medicine is a term coined by Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel laureate, to describe the use of optimal amounts of substances that are natural to the body, such as vitamins and minerals, to prevent and treat disease. This approach focuses on maintaining health through the use of high doses of these substances, tailored to the individual’s needs.

Dr. Thomas Levy, a well-respected cardiologist and author, emphasizes the importance of high-dose Vitamin C in preventing and treating illness. According to Dr. Levy, "Vitamin C is one of the most effective antioxidants and is crucial in managing oxidative stress and supporting the immune system." He advocates for its use not just in managing acute conditions but also as a preventive measure, particularly in changing seasons when our immune systems may need extra support.

Similarly, Dr. Frederick Klenner, a pioneer in the use of high-dose Vitamin C, highlighted its therapeutic potential. Dr. Klenner observed, "Vitamin C is a potent healing agent, capable of addressing various health challenges, from infections to chronic diseases." His clinical experiences underscored the significant benefits of high-dose Vitamin C, particularly in times of increased vulnerability, such as during seasonal transitions.

Recent peer-reviewed studies have reinforced the claims made by these experts, demonstrating the benefits of high-dose Vitamin C. Here are some key findings:

Immune System Support: A study published in Nutrients (2021) reviewed the impact of Vitamin C on immune function. The research found that Vitamin C supplementation could significantly enhance the function of immune cells and reduce the severity and duration of infections, particularly respiratory infections (Hemilä & Chalker, 2021). This is especially relevant as the fall season often heralds an increase in colds and flu.

Oxidative Stress Reduction: Another study in Antioxidants (2020) explored Vitamin C’s role in combating oxidative stress. The findings indicated that high-dose Vitamin C can reduce markers of oxidative stress, which is linked to numerous health issues including cardiovascular diseases (Carr & Maggini, 2020). As fall brings changes in weather and environmental factors, maintaining low oxidative stress levels is beneficial for overall health.

Mood and Mental Health: Research published in Psychiatry Research (2019) examined Vitamin C’s effects on mood and mental health. The study demonstrated that Vitamin C supplementation could have a positive impact on mood, potentially mitigating some of the seasonal mood changes that can occur during fall (Khan et al., 2019).
To leverage the benefits of Vitamin C during the fall, consider the following approaches:

Supplement Adequately: Choose premium Vitamin C supplements, like our Fine Powder. Although the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin C is relatively modest, therapeutic use often requires significantly higher doses. We typically suggest a daily intake of at least 10,000 mg for optimal benefits.

Optimize Vitamin D Levels: Reduced sunlight exposure in fall and winter can lead to lower Vitamin D levels, impacting immune function and mood. Supplement with Vitamin D3/K2 and consume Vitamin D-rich foods such as fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and eggs. 

Enhance Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3s support cardiovascular health and can help manage inflammation and mood changes associated with seasonal shifts. Consider an Omega-3 supplement and increase intake of Omega-3-rich foods like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), chia seeds, and flaxseeds. 

Maintain Adequate Magnesium Levels: Magnesium supports muscle function, nerve health, and energy levels, which can be particularly helpful as activity levels and stress change with the seasons. Include magnesium-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, whole grains, and leafy greens along with Mag Defense or Mag + C Capsules.

Stay Hydrated: Maintaining proper hydration is crucial for overall health and can help prevent issues such as dry skin and fatigue during the colder months. To stay well-hydrated, make sure to drink plenty of water and consider incorporating coconut water and electrolytes into your routine.

Prioritize Sleep: Adequate sleep is essential for overall health, including immune function and mental well-being, which can be affected by seasonal changes. Establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a restful environment, and consider supplements like Dream Defense or Mind & Body Calm to aid your body and mind in resting.

As fall ushers in a new season, consider integrating orthomolecular supplements, particularly high-dose Vitamin C, into your health regimen. With the support of research and the endorsements of experts like Dr. Thomas Levy and Dr. Frederick Klenner, you can take proactive steps to enhance your immune system, reduce oxidative stress, and support mental health. Embrace the season with confidence and vitality, knowing that you’re nurturing your body with the best that orthomolecular medicine has to offer.

Shop: Join us Sept 5th for our Fall Sale! 🍁


  • Carr, A. C., & Maggini, S. (2020). Vitamin C and Immune Function. Antioxidants, 9(11), 1212.
  • Hemilä, H., & Chalker, E. (2021). Vitamin C for Preventing and Treating the Common Cold. Nutrients, 13(10), 3540.
  • Khan, N., et al. (2019). The Effect of Vitamin C Supplementation on Mood in Major Depressive Disorder: A Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial. Psychiatry Research, 273, 335-339.
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