Fertility, conception, birth, & baby!

Fertility, conception, birth, & baby!

There is so much planning involved in that first step of becoming a parent. Preparing your body with micronutrients is an excellent way to be certain your body is ready for conception and pregnancy. A woman is frequently seen during pregnancy, with ultrasounds and sometimes constant monitoring at the end. It’s important to point out that pregnancy is a state of wellness for most women. The stem cells of a baby repair any damage within the mother. When a woman conceives her body requires higher intakes of all nutrients but some of those nutrients can be used therapeutically.Β 

From the moment sperm meets egg, there is a delicate process of fertilization and implantation. Planning before conception to create an ideal environment for this to take place is important.Β 

According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine the concentration of Vitamin C is much higher in human follicular fluid than in blood serum levels. They also found that ascorbic acid plays a role as an antioxidant during folliculogenesis or the maturation of a fertilizable egg. β€œWe found that Vitamin C supplementation caused improvement in 53% of luteal phase defect cases, whereas 22% of patients with luteal phase defect had spontaneous improvement.” (same as next link?)

β€œAn elevated antioxidant protection during ovulation and the midluteal phase appears to be present in eumenorrhoic women.”[1]Β 

Estradiol and Vitamin C levels rise synergistically. Both are antioxidants with a purpose of protecting the body during ovulation and possible conception.Β 

Hormone balancing can be done with high doses of Vitamin C. Adequate intake of amino acids is also crucial for the production of hormones.Β 

It’s not just a woman’s job to prepare for conception. A man can also improve the health and count of his sperm to improve the chances of conception. There is much scientific literature on ascorbic acid protecting sperm.Β Low levels of ascorbic acid in seminol fluid is a risk factor for male infertility. Men should be consuming no less than 10 grams of ascorbic acid daily or 1-3 grams of liposomal Vitamin C. It’s best to start dosing before conception.Β 

Vitamin B3 is an excellent micronutrient for conception. A high concentration of Vitamin B3 in follicular fluid are associated with the development of larger follicles, improving oocyte quality.Β Vitamin B3 is necessary for the production of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisone, throxine, and also insulin. Lower levels of coq10 can cause a woman’s eggs to have less energy and poor fertilization.

Vitamin D3 is a powerful regulator of progesterone levels. Many studies show that Vitamin D has a positive effect on male fertility and sperm motility. Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common and so during conception it is essential to supplement this vital nutrient if one is not getting adequate sunshine everyday.Β 

Because protein is a precursor to hormones it is imperative to get adequate amounts in the diet during conception and all through pregnancy.Β 

Women who supplement omega 3 fatty acids are 1.5 time alone likely to conceive than those who do not supplement.Β 

Endometriosis can cause a woman to have trouble achieving pregnancy but an article by Woman’s Health of London found that β€œVitamin C has a significant effect on reducing the induction and growth of endometrial implants, improving the fecundity function of ovaries, and consequently prevention of endometriosis-associated cancers.”[2]

An article by Pain Research and Management discovered that β€œThe intake of Vitamin C and Vitamin E supplements effectively reduced dysmenorrhea severity and improved dyspareunia and severity of pelvic pain.”[3]Β 

Vitamin C plays a protective role against polycystic ovary syndrome because of its anti-apoptotic and antioxidant actions. Vitamin B8 as inositol has been shown to decrease the levels of male hormones in the body. Inositol also promotes ovulation and improves fertility. Because Vitamin B3 deficiency is common in PCOS, inositol hexanicotinate would be a good daily supplement.Β 

A common cause of miscarriage overlooked by mainstream medicine is MTHFR mutations. This makes folate extremely important to supplement. MTHFR mutations impair metabolic pathways causing oxidative stress. Because Vitamin C cleans up oxidative stress by donating electrons it is imperative that those with the mutations supplement adequate doses.Β 

Riboflavin deficiency can cause issues for those with MTHFR mutation. Riboflavin is the precursor to FAD the coenzyme required for the activity of the folate metabolizing enzyme, also known as mthfr. Take 1-4mg daily. B vitamins work synergistically together so a b-complex would be good.Β 

Hormone imbalance and infertility can be resolved with adequate Vitamin C and the resolution of other deficiencies.Β 

Vitamin C does not cause miscarriage. The Vitamin C pioneers that worked closely with pregnant women found that it actually holds a pregnancy. The idea that Vitamin C causes miscarriages comes form an erroneous study that omitted much information. The scientists assumed that because a woman was late for her period that she was in fact pregnant. No pregnancy test was ever done, and high dose of Vitamin C brought their periods on. It’s entirely possible that none of the women in the study were ever pregnant, and Vitamin C was simply resolving hormone imbalance. I have had the privilege of witnessing hundreds of women take high doses and experience problem-free conception and pregnancies.Β 

There has been talk of rebound scurvy which is the theory that if someone takes high doses of Vitamin C and abruptly stops, they will experience scurvyβ€”also known as a Vitamin C deficiency. I feel strongly that this theory has no merit. A Vitamin C group with over 80,000 members would surely bring out a case of scurvy from those that stopped abruptly. Yet we have seen no such thing.Β 


Vitamin C megadosing is extremely safe for pregnancy.Β 

Dr. Robert Scott had 500 patients on megadoses of Vitamin C, and all of his patients gave birth to healthy babies. The mothers’ labors were shorter than average and lowered the incidence of stretch marks.Β 

Dr. William Saccoman found that his patients on high doses of Vitamin C also experienced shorter and less painful labors. He found that the birth canal of Vitamin C megadosing mothers was more elastic making tearing less likely. Dr. Saccoman found that stretch marks were less likely to occur and that these women recovered rapidly during their postpartum time.Β 

Dr. Archie Kalokerinos found that the incidence of long labours, stress during labour, retained placentas, and other complications are considerably reduced. He described the Vitamin C babies as marvelous and was impressed by how incredible their immune systems were against recurrent infections.Β 

Dr. Frederick Klenner recommended 5, 10, and 15 grams of Vitamin C for each trimester. I find that a base dose of 10 grams for all trimesters works great. Some women choose to take less because of a sensitive stomach or morning sickness. Others choose to take much higher doses because that is what they had been doing before conception. There is no precise dose for all women.Β During pregnancy the two preferable forms of Vitamin C are ascorbic acid or liposomal Vitamin C. Both are safe and effective.Β 

Many diseases of pregnancy can be prevented or alleviated using adequate Vitamin C.Β In Dr. Fredrick Klenner’s years as a physician, he oversaw 322 pregnant patients that he put on high doses of Vitamin C.

Klenner’s prescribed Vitamin C protocol:

First trimester: 5-10gramsΒ 

Second & Β third trimester: 10-15 grams

Liposomal Vitamin C: 1-3 gramsΒ 


Not all pregnant women will be able to take these doses. The goal should be no less than 10 grams daily, but even 5 grams a day is wonderful for a growing mother and child.Β 

During the first trimester, Vitamin C megadosing can make normal pregnancy bloat and indigestion worse. Sometimes the form of liposomal Vitamin C can alleviate this issue. If you are finding ascorbic acid difficult to take, lower the doses dramatically and spread them out as far as you need to. It’s okay to even go as low as 500mg at one time. The most important thing is finding a comfortable dose that works for your lifestyle.Β 

Vitamin C flushes can be safe if done gently without causing watery bowels. Taking enough Vitamin C to cause soft bowels is ideal. This can help move things along when pregnancy constipation becomes an issue. The child flush protocol may be best for pregnancy. A flush can be used to help alleviate morning sickness by helping the body excrete excess hormones.Β 

Vitamin C has hepatoprotective effect against cholestatic liver injury making it an excellent remedy for those with cholestasis. Vitamin K has been shown to reduce the incidence cholestatic liver disease.Β 

The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism wrote in a study that those with above adequate dietary Vitamin C intake were less likely to develop gestational diabetes.[4]Β 

It is important to point this out because ascorbate and glucose molecules are similar, and some glucose monitors can mistake the two. If someone on high dose Vitamin C experiences a high ready it may be wise to try a different monitor or stop taking Vitamin C for a short period. There is a strong correlation between low Vitamin D levels and the development of gestational diabetes mellitus.

Iron deficiency anemia is a common issue that can develop enduring pregnancy. Vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron. Just 100mg of Vitamin C can increase iron absorption by 67%.Β 

Hyperemesis Gravidarum may be a result of high histamine serum levels. Vitamin C is an antihistamine, making it an excellent remedy. High doses can arrest an over abundance of histamine.Β 

Scientists found that preeclampsia can not only be treated but also prevented using larger doses of Vitamin B3. [SET UP] β€œWe have found that Vitamin B3 nicotinamide (Nam) is the first safe drug that alleviates Preeclampsia, and that Nam also alleviates or prevents miscarriage, prolongs pregnancy period, and improves the growth of the fetuses in mice with preeclampsia.”[5]Β Vitamin D deficiency can also be a cause for preeclampsia and preterm labor. Because this deficiency is so common, it’s essential to begin supplementing Vitamin D during conception.Β 

It is common to experience thyroid changes during pregnancy. A woman may find that iodine is helpful in this case. But Iodine should be dosed along with proper cofactors.Β 


Thyroid health daily protocol:

5-10mg of iodine.

25mg of Vitamin B2 as riboflavin.

250-500mg of Vitamin B3 three times per day.

10grams of Vitamin C.

5x body weight in milligrams of magnesium(find specific dosing directions in chapter 2).

5grams of potassium.

50-100mcg of selenium.


Most of the women that come to learn about Vitamin C are in search of a strong amniotic sac to prevent PROM. It’s true that the amniotic sac of a pregnant mother taking high doses of Vitamin C is very strong. The synergistic relationship between Vitamin C and collagen synthesis fortifies the amniotic sac. Protein and fatty acids are also essential for the development of the amniotic membranes. Many women find that their Vitamin C babies are born encaul or they choose to have their amniotic sac broken because its strength is slowing the dilation of the cervix.Β 

It seems entirely possible that many diseases of pregnancy are associated with a micronutrient deficiency or dependency that isn’t being fulfilled.Β  The scientific literature in treating these diseases with nutrition is abundant, and the outcomes are safe and effective.Β 

In 2019 I gave birth to my fifth child. I was told of the risks of hemorrhage and how risky childbirth is for multiparas. With high dose Vitamin C intake, the risks are extremely low. After the birth of my daughter, the obstetrician came to me and said he had never seen such little blood lossβ€”especially from a multip. (Insert my serum level chart before and after birth) Vitamin C had not onlyΒ prevented hemorrhage but also kept my red blood cells replenished.

It is important for no one to pull on the umbilical cord. This can increase the risk of hemorrhaging. Retained placenta is mostly a result of oxidative stress. Vitamin-high electron flow from Vitamin C lowers the possibility of this problem developing.Β Approximately 700 women die each year during childbirth. The use of proper nutrition and orthomolecular medicine has the potential to drop these numbers dramatically.Β 

Vitamin C is an analgesic which means it can alleviate the pain associated with childbirth. The perineum becomes more elastic, lessening the likelihood of tearing. The mothers skin becomes more elastic as well making stretch marks less apparent. The skin also returns to normal much faster, postpartum.Β Adequate rest is essential for postpartum. What I have found with most Vitamin C megadosers is their postpartum healing period is much faster, and they find themselves resuming their normal routine much sooner. It is essential to listen to the body and its needs. With adequate rest, nutrition, hydration, and orthomolecular medicine, a woman can heal efficiently. Vitamin C can often make a woman feel energized and back to normal, but there needs to be a rest period for the uterus to return to normal.Β 

Postpartum depression, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts are common. It seems as though this maternal mental health crisis doesn’t get the attention that it deserves. Oftentimes mothers suffer alone. Vitamins C and B3 are a powerful duo that fight all of the mental health issues that can arise postpartum. If a woman is not already taking both, she should start immediately at 10 grams of Vitamin C as ascorbic acid or 3 grams of lipsomal Vitamin C and 500-1000mg of Vitamin B3 non-flush 3 times per day.Β 

Vitamin C babies are miraculous, and they live longer.Β [SET UP] β€œOur study shows a positive association between maternal Vitamin C intake and fetal telomere length. These findings may provide a method of understanding and preventing adult-onset disease and mortality through intrauterine reprograming.”[6]Β 

Their color is always a beautiful pink and their bodies and lungs strong.Β 

A baby’s cord should be left alone until pulsing stops. The stem cells within the umbilical cord have a job of repairing any damage induced by childbirth. It is also important to point out that babies do not produce Vitamin K this early on because it thickens the blood and prevents those stem cells from traveling where they need to go. Supplementation and Vitamin K injection are not necessary.Β 

Bilirubin will usually never be high in a Vitamin C baby because bilirubin is an antioxidant. Because Vitamin C is a superior antioxidant, bilirubin is not needed when Vitamin C levels are adequate.Β 

SIDS is a terrifying reality. Dr Kalokerinos found that babies are subject to very harsh condition outside of the womb with oftentimes difficult childbirth, followed by inoculations. These things cause oxidative stress and cell death. When a child body is overrun by oxidative stress and no longer has electrons being donated there is nothing left but death. SIDS is caused by a deficiency in electrons and the cure is Vitamin C.Β 

Routine vaccinations can cause harm to a child’s body and it is essential that if a parent chooses this route for their child they at least follow Dr Kalokerinos recommendation of dosing with Vitamin C. Adequate doses before, during, and after would be best. Avoid any vaccinations at the beginning of a child’s life.Β 

A newborn can be given a small amount of ascorbic acid. Some mothers find that swiping it in a baby’s mouth before a feeding works. Other mothers add it to a bottle.Β 

Breastmilk is a wonderful mixture of all things a baby needs to thrive. If a mother is taking high doses of Vitamin C, she does not need to supplement a healthy baby. Vitamin C levels increase within the breastmilk. We have found that high dose Vitamin C can increase the production of foremilk causing baby to experience excess gas or even diarrhea. This issue will balance itself out. It’s best for mother to lower her intake to doses that are comfortable for her and baby. Liposomal Vitamin C will usually not upset a baby’s stomach since it is rapidly absorbed by the mothers lymphatic system.Β 

Vitamin C neutralizes all known toxins making it extremely safe while breastfeeding. If a mother is detoxing and breastfeeding it is imperative that she megadose Vitamin C to neutralize those toxins and keep the bowels moving to excrete them.Β 

Mastitis can be avoided or treated with liposomal Vitamin C. One gram per day will usually be enough. If the mastitis is caused by bacteria, 500mg of Vitamin B3 three times per day will raise leukocytes to fight infection.Β 


Infants Vitamin C dosing:

1-2 months should get 250mg daily

3-6 months should get 500mg daily

6-9 months should get 750mg daily

1 year olds should get 1-2 grams per day


Magnesium is imperative for healthy conception, birth, and baby. One study sums up the importance of magnesium perfectly, β€œIts role in biology is fundamental in over 600 enzymatic reactions implicated in protein synthesis, mitochondrial functions, neuromuscular activity, bone formation, and immune system competence.”[7] The same study goes on to show that women with magnesium deficiency are at risk for preterm labor and issues with fetal growth.

The magnesium supplementation rule of 5x body weight in pounds equals how many milligrams a woman should supplements. Growth and weight increase should change along with mothers growth.

From conception to birth and baby the human body functions best with orthomolecular medicine. Scientific literature shows that Vitamin C babies are healthier and live longer! According to the Department of Epidemiology at Florida International University β€œour study shows a positive association between maternal vitamin C intake and fetal telomere length. These findings may provide a method of understanding and preventing adult-onset disease and mortality through intrauterine reprograming.”[8]Β 


A mother that is breastfeeding has a higher requirement for nutrients than she did while pregnant. An organic whole food balanced diet is always best for the human body and pairs well with orthomolecular medicine.Β 


His & Her Daily Megadosing Protocol for conception, pregnancy, & breastfeeding:

10 grams of Vitamin C daily

500mg of Vitamin B3 3x daily

600-1000mcg of folate daily

Vitamin D3 5,000-10,000iu

Vitamin A 1,250iu-2500iu

Vitamin K2 2,000-4,000iu

60-80grams of protein daily

200-400mg of Coq10 daily.

2,500-4,000mg of omega 3(EPA & DHA).

Magnesium 5 x body weight = milligram dose


These micronutrients can be consumed alongside a multivitamin and other daily supplements. Β 


[1] Hirofumi Henmi et. al., β€œEffects of Ascorbic Acid Supplementation on Serum Progesterone Levels in Patients with a Luteal Phase Defect,” Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 80, Iss. 2 (2003): 459-61.


[2] Hayedeh Hoorsan et.al., β€œThe Effectiveness of Antioxidant Therapy (Vitamin C) in an Experimentally Induced Mouse Model of Ovarian Endometriosis,” Women’s Health (London), Vol. 18 (2022): Online. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9087288/

[3] Leila Amini et. al., β€œThe Effect of Combined Vitamin C and Vitamin E Supplementation on Oxidative Stress Markers in Women with Endometriosis: A Randomized, Triple-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial,” Pain Research and Management, 2021.


[4] Chaoqun Liu et. al., β€œHigher Dietary Vitamin C Intake is Associated with a Lower Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Longitudinal Cohort Study,” Clinical Nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), Vol. 39, Iss. 1 (2020): 198-203. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30773371/

[5] Nobuyuki Takahashi et. al., β€œVitamin B3 Nicotinamide: A Promising Candidate for Treating Preeclampsia and Improving Fetal Growth,” The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol. 244, Iss. 3 (2018): 243-48. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29563389/

[6] Kristopher O. Myers et. al., β€œThe Effect of Maternal Vitamin C Intake on Fetal Telomere Length,” The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Vol. 34, Iss. 7 (2021): 1143-48. (same used below)


[7] Daniela Fanni et. al., β€œThe Role of Magnesium in Pregnancy and in Fetal Programming of Adult Diseases,” Biological Trace Element Research, Vol. 199, Iss. 10 (2021): 3647-57.


[8] Kristopher O. Myers et. al., β€œThe Effect of Maternal Vitamin C Intake on Fetal Telomere Length,” The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Vol. 34, Iss. 7 (2021): 1143-48.


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